WSO Podcast | E242: Meeting Mess Ups | Walkaway $ | Stock Market Update | Weekly Wrapup
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0:00 Meeting Mess Ups
6:20 Walkaway Money
14:45 Stock Market
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WSO Podcast Episode 242 Transcripts:
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:00:04] Welcome to the WSO weekly wrap up where I talk with my team about the five most trending discussions in the Wall Street Oasis community. Enjoy! What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of The WSO Weekly wrap-up. Today we're just going to go through three of the top discussions in the past week. Matt, kick us off.
Matthew: [00:00:24] Perfect, thanks, Pat. March 30th, guys. Thursday here, first topic that we've seen in the forums trending and one of my favorite ones here. What's the dumbest thing you've done in a meeting? This is a great conversation. Given remote work is still so prevalent in today's time. I would say myself, dumbest thing I've done in a meeting was actually here at Wall Street Oasis. It was by mistake, I don't know if you remember this. I think two summers ago when I first came on board. We have our Monday morning weekly calls with the team. I thought my cam was off for whatever reason. I had no shirt on when I was on Cam. I don't even, I did not even remember that for whatever reason. I just remember you pinging me saying I had to shut your cam off. Be a bit more careful and so that was definitely a bit of a...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:13] A stray from the gym.
Matthew: [00:01:15] I just did not even realize it. So now I'm definitely my eyes are always looking at that little green dot beside my webcam here on my laptop. That's a double-check, but that's definitely.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:23] I'm surprised after 16 years. That's the worst we've seen on webcam.
Matthew: [00:01:30] And if I'm not was that… that was during Covid I guess. Right so that was the other remote work. That's what I know Wall Street Oasis we always we've always been remote but. That was definitely you think would have been a little bit more used to that now too. But yeah, I don't know. I have no explanation for that. I just, I was pretty embarrassed. And yeah, I don't know. What do you guys any, anything you guys have come across in your own times, maybe even guess in person? In-person too. I mean, we don't have to keep it remote.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:01:58] Nabil is always polished, he never have anything embarrassing.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:02:04] Well, I'll tell a story. So, like nothing really in a meeting as much. I mean, I've kind of in terms of like dumbest things I've done, maybe like spoken up when numbers like don't look good in front of like to an MD or something like that. Been a little bit too comfortable with the numbers and just like spoken up before letting my VP or associate chime in. So I'd say probably a little bit of that was probably sleep deprived and like couldn't even see straight though, so I didn't care. But a funnier story is like when I was an analyst at Rothschild. I remember going home near Boston for the two days I had off for like the whole year or something around Christmas and I got a haircut. And like I told the guy like I want to kind of short but he like went really short like military. Like basically a zero and then like one of those fades, you know what I mean? Like really aggressive. This is back in like 02. Wasn't like as in forever.
Matthew: [00:02:58] Like, it's not as shiny. I was going to say that's like…that's trendy, but it was the skin fade.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:02] It was like a skin fade, man. So I get back in there and there's an associate. He's hilarious, this guy was hilarious. The loudest guy in the entire, like entire floor. He was an associate at the time but he walked around like he was an MD. Basically like just on every on good terms, like on good terms with all. Like the CEOs and all this stuff. Just guy was hilarious, like really loud, obnoxious, typical banker spends more than he making on his base like party hard. Needs that like $500,000 bonus not to…
Matthew: [00:03:34] Hermes tie.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:35] Yeah of course. Yeah, everything he'd be like. Oh, Curtis come on man.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:40] Like you know stuff like that. So I'm sitting there in the bullpen and I know I'm gonna get shit. Like, I'm like China's hide in my cubicle and all of a sudden like. I like see him out of my way down the hallway, but he can kind of see in the bullpen and I hear.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:55] Curtis you can't get away with that.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:03:58] Like just screaming hazing like in front of the whole office and I'm like, Oh God.
Matthew: [00:04:03] They probably thought you were joining the military or something.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:05] Yeah, everyone was.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:06] Making military jokes and yeah, it was bad. It was bad luckily…
Matthew: [00:04:11] Well I got a follow-up on that. Did you go back to that hairdresser after?
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:14] No, well it was back in I was in New York. I was when I was back home in Boston. So like you know I was just like I'll quickly just trim it up or whatever and he was like...
Matthew: [00:04:25] Well, now I follow up on my follow-up. How much did you pay for that? Was it like were they giving it away for free the cuts there or was it like a decent, you probably can't remember.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:34] I don't know 20 bucks or something. Back then it was like $20 haircut.
Matthew: [00:04:38] Well I know. I actually, I thought I saw something. I think some certain places in New York now are charging like 200 bucks for a haircut. For a men's haircut. Which is absolutely ludicrous in my opinion. I'm still getting my cuts for 50 bucks. I don't know what the going rate is…
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:53] I still get my haircut for now $0. I just do my own with a buzzer.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:04:58] Can you tell? I'm sure people can tell but...
Matthew: [00:05:01] Keep the money in your pockets, right?
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:02] Yeah, I'm balding anyways I'll be bald and like. And I'm thinking I'm just going to buzz it all soon anyway.
Matthew: [00:05:07] No Pat, you gotta fly over to Turkey. Turkey get the hair...
Nabil: [00:05:11] The hair fix, the transplant.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:15] Guess what you guys are telling me. I Don't know, is it really?
Matthew: [00:05:17] Okay there's a lot there... better. I see people even at my own gym there's been at least like four people that have done it randomly within the past. Like three months. And it's looking good. And I've seen. Yeah, I've looked it up myself.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:28] Hair plugs, but just more like done better or something? It's hair plugs. It's from your own hair.
Matthew: [00:05:33] From my understanding. Yeah, they take it from the back of your head. Now we're getting out of ten. Getting out of...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:39] This is important.
Matthew: [00:05:40] Yeah, getting on a.. different.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:05:41] I can see you're pretty young. I think you're gonna be having the same issue.
Nabil: [00:05:44] Yeah, I'm going to go with. Yeah, sometime in the future like in a couple years.
Matthew: [00:05:48] Yeah and I will too. I would say still pretty funny my hair is super thin, but nonetheless, take it from the back of your head. And then they put all the little follicles back in the top of your head there. But I think Turkey's well known for it and it's much more cost effective compared to doing it onshore. But I guess that's a lot of what people in our audience will be looking forward towards. If you're obviously male stressful jobs and investment banking. The trade-off between lots of money in your early days to your hair and your 40s and 50s. So you're signing up for this career. You probably have a common. But let's move on to the second topic here, guys. Another one that's been trending in the forums. And I guess we'll start with you Pat giving you the older one here on the panel. It was around your walk-away money. How much do you need? You need to get paid to walk away from your front office job. So, Pat, we'll kick it off with you. What's your walkaway number? Obviously, WSO sells a little bit different.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:06:42] But yeah, when I was like an analyst back then, you could like, I couldn't have stayed in high finance. Well, that's so I couldn't have stayed in banking. So like if it would have taken a lot of money for me to stay. I would have like, I was going to leave either way. I think everyone knows I was burnt out after my second year at Rothschild. That it would have taken me zero to walk away because I was like ready to go anyways. But if like you're talking private equity probably like for that time it probably would have taken me probably like only 2 million. Simply because like I think at that point like you're like hey to get that money today. Assuming that's tax-free to get that money today, I'd be able to invest it. And then also potentially do something outside of high finance like entrepreneur like what I did anyways. So entrepreneurial and or even a more cushed job like a corporate finance job and do more side projects and stuff like that. So for me, it wouldn't be super high to walk away because I wasn't like a traditional I was kind of, off the tracks anyways like that's what I ended up doing. So it wouldn't have taken that much to walk away because I think there's a lot of other things you can do with your life that are interesting.
Matthew: [00:07:56] So 2 million was your answer for when you were analyst back in the day?
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:00] No analyst would have been like, get me out. But I'm saying, private equity associates.
Matthew: [00:08:04] Okay, sir but what would be the number then today? Right? Because 2 million back then is definitely not have the same purchasing power as 2 million today. So only three now?
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:12] Yeah well like you know I'm saying like. Oh, walk away now from WSO.
Matthew: [00:08:17] Oh no I'm even saying like as an individual now if you were in private equity you had to walk away…
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:22] Well I'd probably much higher, I'd be much higher. And at that point like the carry is much higher. I'd say much, it'd be much higher if I had already put in the time and whatever like. Why am I going to walk away when all the money's starting to come in? So it'd probably be like closer to 10 million or something like that or 15 million.
Matthew: [00:08:37] Because yeah, I'm seeing some people in the forums right around 5 million is what they'd be willing to walk away with. And again making that, making the note that it has to be after tax naturally.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:08:46] Yeah, which is a lot of money right? It's a lot of money. So yeah, I'd say about that especially a lot of people on the forums are thinking like. Oh, some people are like that's insane, that's so much money. But if you're like in New York or California like where I am and you have any kids like it's…
Matthew: [00:09:04] Money goes quickly.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:05] Yeah, that money goes super quickly. House right behind me is now getting listed. It's a 3400 square foot house. It's really nice but it's 3.5 million. Yeah, it's like ridiculous and that's like, It's not like, it's not even. There's not a big lot. It's a small lot. It's on a hill, so there's lots of steps in the house. So like it's kind of crazy, man. Yeah anyways.
Matthew: [00:09:28] Nabil what do you think, What's your walkaway number right now? Like, let's just say that gave you want to make.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:09:34] I'll make sure I don't. I make sure I don't pay you guys too much. Yeah.
Matthew: [00:09:38] What's the walkaway number for yourself?
Nabil: [00:09:42] Honestly, not like at a place like where growth is good. I mean, I wouldn't walk away from like a growth opportunity but if I had to like. Walk away in like a chill or whatever. I'd probably go for like 4 or 5 because you invested your free cash flow just once you invested will take care of you for a decent amount of time. You could probably travel do stuff but then I'm not sure if that's the kind...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:07] Don't have a family, if you don't have a family. Be fine actually, 2 or 3 would be fine because especially if you're like a young guy and you don't care about like you don't need to stay in a nice place you can just like you have a ton of freedom at that level. If you're looking at like family, like better to have 3 to 4 at least, I'd say.
Matthew: [00:10:25] So I'd actually, I was thinking like prior to even starting this convo around the same as you guys but now I'm thinking like I think you have to just shoot much higher because if the caveat is like you can't go to work again this is like your true walk away. Only having say five mil a year in your...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:41] I'm not assuming that.
Nabil: [00:10:42] Yeah.
Matthew: [00:10:44] You're nice, Oh okay. So I'm gonna say that life you get pretty, no it's not even just like the money running out. I just think life might get boring.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:50] Oh yeah.
Matthew: [00:10:51] To the point where it's like, you know what...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:10:54] You're gonna like not work. I would be like well, what do you do?
Matthew: [00:10:58] I Need a lot, yeah. I would need a lot to make sure I could do like super extravagant stuff to keep me would...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:03] You could do fun stuff like. You could do if you got enough money, you could do stuff like a YouTube channel and stuff like that where you like go out and you produce fun things and you do pranks on people or you do like whatever stuff you help people and stuff like that.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:18] That would be a blast. So like you see some of these YouTube channels where people like go and they give $1,000 to somebody who needs it or something like that. Like that would be cool. If you had enough money, you could do a fun channel like that. So you could have hobbies that could end up making you more money.
Matthew: [00:11:31] Yes.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:11:32] But yeah, I think the number would have to be much higher if like you were forced to not do anything productive like because then that would just suck. I think in general like your life would suck and you can just lay on the beach get pretty bored.
Matthew: [00:11:45] Yeah, I think it's just also interesting to get your point of view over hours where it's like you obviously have children. You understand how much that costs. I've only heard from my parents and I'm sure it's probably coming from a place when Matthew and every parent harp on things, it's just kids are expensive. Right? So I'm, I don't know if there's any truth to this but I think I remember seeing somewhere. Where it's like close to a million bucks to raise like each kid from start to finish. Like from like zero to whatever it is like 21 whatever it is, it's about $1 million each kid.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:11] About a million dollars sounds about right.
Matthew: [00:12:14] To do that which so it's like when you start thinking things right? And I think say to myself people what is that 1 million entail? Does that entail a great school extracurricular such as you know, football, hockey, golf, or is that million dollars? Just a pretty average life? So that gets me kind of worried too for myself as I start thinking.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:12:33] It's less than a million If you're like outs, but you're like in Toronto it's probably for sure a million. But like if you're in a you're like Midwest you can definitely raise a kid for less money. If you go public schools the whole way you aren't going on vacations and doing all this stuff. But if you're trying to take your kids on vacation, if you send them a private school, you have three kids, like forget it. You're it's like it's more than a million. Like when you're talking about lost opportunity costs and the return on money too especially like that's a lot of after-tax dollars out the window. So like the kindergarten. Like it's like 30 grand here. That's after-tax dollars. So think about that.
Matthew: [00:13:08] Geez, For kindergarten.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:10] For kindergarten for first, yeah.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:13:12] So like, think of like that's one kid. Imagine if you had three kids that's like $100,000 after tax. And you're getting taxed here in California probably like at the upper rates you're getting taxed over 50%. So anywhere from your effective tax rate is probably. If you're working at like Apple or a couple Netflix or whatever, you're probably making a couple hundred thousand at least. So you're probably your tax rate is probably 35, 40% for each dollar you're making you're not really pocketing as much. So yeah, there's people here who are like have two high-paying jobs and are like living paycheck to paycheck because their mortgage is like crazy.
Matthew: [00:13:50] Yeah, well there's actually in this same thread here, someone made a comment asking, How are you saving only $150,000 if you're making over $1 million a year? Exactly that's, just a it's a lifestyle creep where you live. So I think there is a lot of factors that people aren't realizing because I'm only seeing like these small numbers of like five mil. And I'm thinking to myself, I don't think that.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:10] I'm seeing at like Terry does well and you know we're doing okay. And the vacations, I'm man like literally flying five people. Like round trip anywhere. It's like you're. You're out 3 to 4 grand like, easy. You like find a deal on like a Tuesday.
Matthew: [00:14:27] Yeah and there's no first class...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:27] Around Christmas, Thanksgiving. Forget it, like you're talking.
Matthew: [00:14:31] Commercial. Yeah, that's nuts.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:14:34] Forget it so and it adds up fast but you know they're great.
Matthew: [00:14:38] That's life. I guess the pros and cons, right? So pros and cons so cool. Okay, great topic here. I think the third topic, what we're planning to do here, guys is we're just going to discuss the markets here as a wrap-up. So nothing to market moving this week. I think we didn't see anything come out of the Fed. I think some high topic things we have seen is just some other countries around the world settling oil transactions outside of the petrol dollars. So doing it in the Juan specifically. But from my understanding, looks like indices have been trending upward. I don't know if you guys haven't seen anything different. Looks like when I say trending though kind of like recovering off of a blip it looks like it's still kind of sideways. S and p at a boat.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:19] We're grinding higher. Grinding higher.
Matthew: [00:15:20] Yeah.
Nabil: [00:15:21] Everything's going up except Schwab so be careful.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:15:25] Except Schwab. Yeah, what do you think? Do you think Schwab is gonna have issues? I think people are…
Nabil: [00:15:30] They're all over the news. They're going lower and lower.
Matthew: [00:15:35] Are they? because I saw I think when I opened up CNBC this morning. I saw the markets rallying or at least trying to rally saying that investors are kind of betting that the whole regional bank and bank scandals kind of…
Nabil: [00:15:49] Yes, the regional are all like rallying, I Think. But Schwab's just...
Matthew: [00:15:53] What's happening Schwab? All right, I haven't seen anything personally. I just don't know what's going on with Schwab. You guys know what the headlines calling for?
Nabil: [00:16:01] People are moving money apparently from…
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:05] Well they have the brokerage. But they have a bank, as well. So I think that's the concern is that the bank side of it's going to be...
Matthew: [00:16:11] So another bank run similar to what's already happened I guess
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:14] Yeah, the brokerage side of things though there's custodial stuff. So you don't have to be like, I have money with Schwab. So like, I'd be nervous if it was like in the bank side. Like if it was a deposit, like a bank. I don't have a savings account or a checking account. I'd be more a lot more nervous there. But yeah, as a broker you know with the brokerage account it's kind of like.
Nabil: [00:16:36] Yeah, so people are moving money from the bank to the brokerage, basically money market.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:39] Exactly, everyone's ripping it or ripping in the money market or putting it in the money market. Right, to protect themselves.
Nabil: [00:16:45] Yeah, so they just got downgraded by I don't know someone just downgraded them.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:16:50] Yeah, as we speak it's down 5% today. And I own Schwab, I own the stock. I put in a stop loss on it. It probably triggered. Actually, I should look. I should probably pay attention. Let me see if this traded here.
Nabil: [00:17:05] Yeah, apparently Morgan Stanley downgraded them so...
Matthew: [00:17:14] It's typically not a good thing when you see that.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:17] No It's still, I'm still holding on. I'm still up 40% on the and when I buy mine. I bought them a long time ago but it's probably getting really close to getting triggered. It's probably getting really close to getting triggered. If it keeps if it keeps grinding lower today. It'll probably just it'll. I'll just take my victory lap and get out before I give it all away like I did on Peloton.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:17:42] I learned my lesson on a few of those, up 100% thinking I'm like the man. Oh, this is so good.
Matthew: [00:17:47] Yeah.
Matthew: [00:17:49] But that's was similar to the Crypto Bros too, right? Pat Like over the past year making all the money. On the topic of which is actually looks like crypto has been rallying which is interesting to see. I guess just kind of given the macro climate. I mean guess like..
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:07] A stop loss is, I mean Coinbase, I assume they allow you to do that with Coinbase Pro and stuff like that, right? They allow you to put in like a trailing stop losses and stuff like that. So like as the...
Matthew: [00:18:14] I think so do they? I don't know, you use Coinbase Pat? I know, I don't personally use Coinbase.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:18:20] I know they merged Coinbase Pro with Coinbase. I know there's definitely pro had a lot of here we go advanced. I'm looking at it now but that'd be interesting. I just I don't trade a lot of. I don't like do any sort of day trading or any of these kind of complicated things. I just Hodl.
Matthew: [00:18:38] What's your thoughts on crypto? I don't think we've really had too much conversation around that, do you? You know, you like the space. Where do you kind of like?
Nabil: [00:18:47] I do. I do, actually. Not in the sense of like because I got involved in like 2018. I've built crypto miners. Yeah, I have two miners at home but it gets really hot. Like I got a bunch of GPUs put together a miner. But this was when like Ethereum was like 170, whatever. So I used to buy a little bit. Then it went to I think it rallied then fell really hard and then it went back up. I just sold everything. I was like I'm lost. Yeah, just got out of it because back then like I didn't used to have time to like look at it and like sort of be involved just now. There's like and back then too, like it's the same thing. I don't think much has changed. It's ICOs happening. There's all this shit coins or whatever. Then I think in the middle there was the China issue. China's planning this year I don't think. Banned?
Matthew: [00:19:40] No, but so China think it's banned. But I think I saw something Hong Kong is gonna like allow make it legal for retail investment to get into crypto and I think that's where a lot of people are hoping for liquidity to come into the markets coming straight from China. I think that's supposed to kind of change over the next few months. I think they're rolling back a lot of their restrictions that they had. So it's an interesting change in tone. I'm not too sure what their overall goal is because they were super adamant on banning crypto altogether. And it kind of seems like it's against a lot of things the government believes in there. But yeah, I mean I'm excited for that liquidity to hopefully flow in. But definitely don't have my fingers crossed anymore. I think I've learned that...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:24] Doubling down in the crypto winter.
Matthew: [00:20:26] Anything could happen. Gotta shoot my shot path for that walkaway number I need that...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:31] Yeah, you do that's probably the only way you're gonna get there fast, right.
Matthew: [00:20:33] After this conversation, I realized I'm 28 and if I want to have three kids, I need three mil just to support them. Not alone in my own lifestyle so.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:42] Over time, man, over time, you don't need it right now.
Matthew: [00:20:45] And my home in Toronto that I hope to buy one day. So I need these things to go to the moon as they say and get me my ten mil.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:20:58] I would not investment. I would not buy a real estate right now.
Nabil: [00:21:00] Oh yeah, never.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:21:03] I would not buy real estate right now. Yep, I think yeah you could be...
Nabil: [00:21:08] Oh so you're like holding a lot of crypto mats.
Matthew: [00:21:10] No, not a lot. I say I do it in a way where it's. I would say maybe five, 6% of my overall portfolio. I just like it because it's something where. Yeah, I'm not over leveraging myself. Allocate small amounts every month. Just do like a DCA you know. Kind of took that from Pat. I know, Pat you've been, you've mentioned you've been doing that for a number of years now. And I think that's probably just the easiest way to go about it. I've learned the hard way. Doesn't matter how much time and effort I put into it, I'm not timing nothing in this market so.
Matthew: [00:21:45] But I think, they tell you that coming in or you learn that or you read that coming into thinking I'm going to become a great trader. But you get humbled pretty quickly and think you got to actually go through it and get humbled in order to learn. It's probably best just the DCA if you're a believer. And it so, that's kind of where I'm at. But yeah definitely not taking any super big risks with having like a 20% allocation on this stuff. Just a little bit of upside...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:13] I think Tesla doesn't own any more doge anymore, bitcoin. I think they got rid of it.
Matthew: [00:22:16] They own bitcoin.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:19] I think they got rid of it or they sold it for.
Matthew: [00:22:21] No, they sold a piece of it. I remember they sold a small amount of it and their excuse was to prove that there's liquidity, right? And wanting to have it on your balance sheet. It's not just like a sunk cost. You could it is a liquid asset. But that was amongst the crash. I think happening last year when Tesla was even struggling. And I think the whole markets were kind of pulling back. Elon is a big doge advocate, so we'll see with that.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:22:51] There's no limit on doge, right? It's like unlimited supply.
Matthew: [00:22:52] Yeah, unlimited supply.
Matthew: [00:22:55] Constant, yeah. Constant printing. I think, I took a little bit of interest into like the meme coin space and I think with doge it's like you have $5 billion worth of like issuance every year. So it's diluting itself by five bil. but I mean at its peak it was trading at an 80 billion dollar evaluation, right? So you know five 5 billion is significant but not too crazy if you believe in these crazy cycles. But, yeah.
Matthew: [00:23:27] I think the market's were overall just kind of summarize crabbing along. Moving sideways is what I'm seeing, maybe a slight trend up trying to push up. But I think still kind of getting spooked by everything going on. So any other comments guys or do you think we should call it for this one?
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:42] Let's call it.
Matthew: [00:23:44] Well, we'll end it off. I will say I think baseball season starting off today. I don't know anyone, any listeners are baseball fans but MLB's kicking off.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:23:52] With the pitch clock.
Matthew: [00:23:53] Yeah, with the pitch clock.
Matthew: [00:23:54] And no FDX sponsors. That's one thing I've noticed by watching some spring season ball. There's no FDX sponsors on the skier because I know that was where made a big splash obviously. Sponsoring that so yeah pitch count that's interesting to see but yeah, season kicks off so on minor things let's go Jays we'll take down the Sox this year hopefully. Pat, I don't know if you're not watching too much but...
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:20] No Celtics and if I'm lucky watch one game that's what happens but..
Matthew: [00:24:27] Got it, well great convo this week guys. Well, we'll be around next Thursday to do it all over again.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:33] Cool. Thanks, guys.
Patrick (CEO of WSO): [00:24:34] And thanks to you my listeners at Wall Street Oasis. If you have any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to send them my way. Patrick at Wall Street and till next time.
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